Sabtu, 12 November 2016

Benefits of baby oil for beauty

Benefits of baby oil for beauty
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Benefits of baby oil is not much in the know of many people. Because when you hear the word baby oil is surely unthinkable for baby oil. As the name suggests this oil is intended for babies because the baby's skin is still sensitive to the texture of soft oils are very suitable for the baby.

So in addition to warm the baby's body, sometimes to give fragrance to the body. Indeed, oil is quite beneficial for babies, and in addition to the actual baby oil is also widely used by adults, particularly those with sensitive skin and for benefits provided also great when the user right with the right dose.

Benefits of baby oil for beauty

So now there is no harm for you to try using baby oil every day. Because in addition to getting the same benefits as the baby but the baby oil is also believed to maintain the beauty and benefits of baby oil to know more, then you need to listen to the reviews below.

Read Also: Health Benefits of Morning Sex

• As a body lotion

The first benefits for beauty is as a body lotion. So you use baby oil, the skin can become more smooth and soft as a baby, and in the use should be adopted on the face, legs, arms, up to the elbow so that way you will avoid skin chapped, dry or scaly

• Overcoming dry lips

In addition you can also use baby oil for dry lips, so with so great benefits of baby oil for skin care that you can take so you need to use it. And to beautify the skin, you can also find on the benefits of baking soda.

Benefits of baby oil for beauty as Natural Facial Cleanser
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Benefits of baby oil for beauty as Natural Facial Cleanser

The benefits of baby oil next is to clean the face. Baby oil is widely used for women in terms of cleaning the rest of the makeup on the face. There is nothing wrong indeed when you try, because in addition to cleansing with baby oil then the face can also make a face always moist so as to prevent wrinkles on the face. But for the record to get the benefits of a perfect baby oil, then you should also be appropriate in the use according to the dose.

For use on the face it should not be every day. Because baby oil itself is for the baby's skin is sensitive and not for the skin. Although baby oil is able to make the face clean of make up and is able to moisturize the skin but when used regularly and continuously will also affect the skin of the face is skin texture will be thicker and more rugged. The effect was due to the oil content in baby oil is almost 100 percent, so when used on the face it will be able to clog the pores. So note the proper use of appropriate dose.


• Moisturize skin

Benefits of a third baby oil that is capable of treating stretch marks. So, there are stretch marks skin over time will be lost if the massage is done on a regular basis. The skin will become smoother and scars stretch marks will disappear.

With so skin will be moist, clean and smooth course. But to get the skin you also need regular in its use. Now, with the benefit of baby oil then you can get an easy and certainly more cost effective when compared to other ways to get beautiful skin. Benefits of water starch was also quite good for beauty treatments, you can try it too.

Jumat, 07 Oktober 2016


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7 BENEFITS AND INDICATIONS MANGO LEAF FOR HEALTH - Leaves of mango may be considered mediocre and not has any benefit for health, but the fruit is eaten. Though mango leaves are not as expected by many people. Mango numerous beneficial to health, either mango or mango leaves. Mango leaves are very easy to obtain, given the mango trees grow everywhere. Almost no homes who do not grow mangoes.

So, it seems important for us to know a little more about the benefits of mango leaves to health. Who knows our health problems can be solved with mango leaves that are in front of our house. OK, right, we see the benefits of mango leaves.


1. Diabetes angiopathy

Diabetic angiopathy is a kind of deadly and frightening disease. Because the disease occurs from damage to blood vessels around pancreas. If this is ignored it can lead to fatal. To appease this disease you can give to drink tea from the leaves of mango in patients. The trick is to finely grind and powder of mango leaves brewed with hot water into a tea and drunk.

2. Reduce high blood pressure

Tea made from mango leaves can also be useful for the treatment of high blood pressure. Same way is to drink tea from the leaves of mango powder.

3. Refreshing the body and relieve restless

Benefits of mango leaves are rarely known more as a reliever restless. You can add 2 cups of herbal tea till 3 mango leaves into your bath water. Then shower as usual and you will feel fresh and comfortable sensation.

Benefits of Mango Leaf to fertility

4. Fertility drugs conjugal

Benefits of mango leaves are rarely known as fertility herbal medicine. Puree the onion and two cloves of mango leaves to taste. Then pour by as much as half a glass of hot water and drink regularly.

5. Treat gout

For patients with gout can also take advantage of mango leaves as an herbal remedy. Pour mango leaves with hot water until it changes color. You can refine mango leaves first so steeping water better. If there is honey, very nice you add mango leaves steeping in water. Drinking regularly.

Read Also: Benefits Of Jackfruit for Pregnancy

6. Treating the disease coughs and colds

Another benefit of the tea leaves of the mango is to treat colds and coughs. Do the same with the above

7. Relieve asthma

To cure or relieve asthma, take leaves of mango and cut into small pieces, drying and brewed together with two teaspoons in a cup of hot water, drinking regularly.

Senin, 12 September 2016

Health Benefits of Morning Sex

Health Benefits of Morning Sex
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Health Benefits of Morning Sex - Morning alarm is often annoying for everyone, but it may not be again after it as "love call".

Compared night, indeed only a few people who like sex in the morning. A narrow time, must be prepared to work, until less confident because he had not showered the reason why sex in the morning less desirable.

According to the Kinsey Institute for Research in Sex, Gender, and Reproduction, people aged 18 to 29 years on average to have sex as much as 112 times per year, while those aged 30-39 years on average, 86 times per year, and the age of 40 -49 years about 69 times per year.

Meanwhile, according to a study in the Journals of Circadian Rhythms, 58 percent of couples having sex ranging from 23.00 to 01.00 on the weekend, and only a few are doing it at 06.00 am on Monday.

Though Glen Rowan, sexologists from Sowetan in South Africa, said the early morning is the best time to have sex. Because the erection is generally easier to do in the morning so that small stimuli alone is able to create an erection.

Health Benefits of Morning Sex

In addition, there are a number of other benefits to be gained from making love in the morning. Here are five of them:

1. Enhance immunity

Production of antibodies that protect against infection (immunoglobulin A / IgA) increased during sex in the morning. When sexual activity, IgA antibodies are found in the female genital mucous glands which set limits to prevent the transmission of infectious diseases.

2. Improve mood

Making love in the morning, can improve mood because of the levels of serotonin is secreted during sexual activity. Sex is a natural way to improve your mood for the moment of orgasm, increased serotonin production in the brain.

Health Benefits of Morning Sex  Improving the quality of male sperm and female fertility
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3. Improving the quality of male sperm and female fertility

Routine make love in the morning can improve the quality of male sperm and female fertility. Studies conducted in Sydney IVF Clinic in Wollongong, Australia, found that men who ejaculated more frequently had less DNA damaged sperm. The less DNA damaged sperm, it is increasingly likely increase female fertility.

Read Also: Benefits Of Jackfruit for Pregnancy

4. Improve the color and texture of skin and hair

Achieved orgasm during sex in the morning triggers the secretion of chemical compounds that can increase estrogen levels in the body which improves the color and texture of the skin, and even hair. Blood circulation increases during sex also helps increase the intake of oxygen in the body which improves the luster of the face.

5. Reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease

A study found that people who have sex in the morning for a few times a week had a risk of heart attack is reduced by half.

Kamis, 25 Agustus 2016

Benefits Of Jackfruit for Pregnancy

Benefits Of Jackfruit for Pregnancy
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Benefits Of Jackfruit for Pregnancy  - The gestation period is a moment the happiest yet vulnerable disruption. In this case it is advisable for pregnant women to always maintain healthy manner and meet all nutritional needs away from activities that are harmful to the pregnancy. Pregnant women are advised to get enough vitamins and minerals by eating fruits and vegetables. One type of fruit for pregnant women who have a lot of benefits that jackfruit.

But not a few pregnant women who fear to consume jackfruit because a lot of myths about the dangers of jackfruit for pregnant women. They believe that the jackfruit can cause miscarriage. When in fact it is not entirely true, if consumed in reasonable limits and not excessive.

Benefits Of Jackfruit for Pregnant Woman

Jackfruit contains riboflavin, vitamin A, vitamin C, thiamine, niacin, folic acid, potassium, calcium and other essential minerals. Well, by looking at the nutrient content, the jackfruit is one type of fruit that may be consumed by pregnant women.

Natural Antioxidants

One of the benefits of jackfruit for pregnant women is as natural antioxidants. This is because the jackfruit contains vitamin C in high amounts. Antioxidants are useful to enhance the immune system of pregnant women and fetuses.

Digestive problems

The most common problems experienced by pregnant women is indigestion or constipation. Well, the solution to overcome this is by consme jackfruit. The fiber content in the jackfruit is very effective for improving the digestive system.

Enough calcium

Jackfruit has a relatively high calcium content. This is certainly very useful to meet calcium needs of pregnant women. The benefit of jackfruit is to support the formation of fetal bones and teeth. In addition, calcium is needed to maintain healthy bones and teeth of pregnant women.

Energy sources

Jackfruit contains sucrose and fructose. Sugar is very easy to digest by the body so that it can become effective energy source for pregnant women. Jackfruit Eat regularly with the portion that is not excessive.

Lowering blood pressure

High blood pressure is very dangerous for the pregnancy. By eating jackfruit it will help maintain the balance of blood pressure because it contains potassium.

Benefits Of Jackfruit for Pregnant Woman
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Maintaining healthy eyes and skin

Jackfruit contains vitamin A which is useful for maintaining healthy eyes and skin of pregnant women. Pregnant women usually experience problems on that stretch marks skin or dry skin. Therefore to meet the needs of the skin vitamin, consume fruits and meet fluid needs.

Thus the benefits of jackfruit for pregnant women. You do not need to worry about this one fruit to consume when pregnant. With no record of excessive and regular. Hopefully the authors present review helpful?